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Accolades & Testimonials
Diener Family Testimonials
We love sharing our testimonials from former and current Diener students and their families.
It's a testimate as to why we do what we do.
Professional Testimonials
Testimonials from well-respected members of the professional community.
Graduation Speech
Noah, Diener Alumni
Computer Engineering 2023 Graduate, University of Maryland, College Park
Writing this speech made me want to thank many people.
I thank the people in the office for making this school possible and all the other wonderful staff that have helped me through difficult situations. I also thank the kids that are at this school. They are always socializing with me and making me happier. Whether they are just chatting in the hallway or packing-up, they are always happy, cheerful, and lightening up my day.
Through my two years at the Diener School, I’ve learned a great deal, not only academically, but also socially. Most schools say they will try their best to make sure that we have the things we need to go on. Not only did the Diener School keep that promise, but they also went above and beyond to make sure that I was armed with the knowledge I need to go into the world.
I will miss this school in many ways; whether it’s Gabi cracking jokes or the Uppers 2 boys inviting me to play with them. They treat me like I’m a part of their family, and in many ways, we are a family. We share stories, tell jokes and be there for each other just like a family would be.
When I first came to the Diener School, I was shy and quiet, but the Diener School has changed me into the modest young man that I am today.
Last, but definitely not least, I’d like to thank my teachers, Ms. Abbe, and Ms. Jessica, who have been there for me so many times.
In the future, I will often think of myself as a little light brown owl, eager to flutter to its warm family nest, The Diener School.